Friday, June 29, 2007

Just how much realism is enough?

I was discussing this with someone the other day and its really quite a disturbing idea. To me at least. As the technology that runs our Video Games progresses, naturally we start seeing more and more realistic visuals. We demand photorealism in our games, from Racing simulators ( Gran Turismo series) to our First Person Shooters ( Half life series, Quake Series, etc). This isn't a bad thing since we play these games to enjoy things we can't do in real life.

Now this is the part that troubles me. How much is too much? We are reaching a point where the characters in the game can simulate emotion and feelings to an extent that is quite unsettling when know for a fact that all it really is, is just a bit of code. Further, you need to blow this characters brains out in order to advance to the next part of the game.

Here is an example : In Max Payne 2 ( one of the most awesome games of all time in my opinion ), there is a level where Max, the protagonist, is trapped in his apartment building by semi-automatic wielding crazies who were sent by a Russian Mob Boss to rub him out. As your sneaking up on two of these unsuspecting "cleaners", you can hear them talk amongst themselves. They are talking about their kids. One is saying how cute his new born daughter is and her first words (or something along those lines). Now the game expects you to kill them.

Maybe this is just me here, but I was really stunned for a moment. Of course in that moment I was greeted by the business end of a sawed-off shotgun. Now ( I'm on my 13th play through of the game), I can waste these guys without hesitation. But thats my point. Isn't it just making us too numb? Ok I know some of my gamer friends are going to call me a pansy for saying so but it really makes me wonder. With the implementation of Rag-Doll physics ( google it), this realism can be taken to a whole other level.

Just to get some more insight on this topic, Google some of these games: Manhunt 1, Manhunt 2 ( Already banned in the UK), Condemned: Criminal Origins, Condemned 2 , Bioshock. Another link for the Bioshock issue here.

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