Wednesday, June 27, 2007

War. War never changes.

Voted the best Video Game quote in the history of Video Games by the chaps at
Some 10-12 years ago a game called Fallout came out. The game was an instant classic with a fantastic story line, awesome characters and a superb RPG element. Its sequels, Fallout 2 and Brotherhood of Steel followed suit and were also huge hits, acquiring numerous game of the year awards.

Recently, Bethesda ( the people behind the Elder Scrolls games) bought the franchise for a hefty sum and are currently in production of Fallout 3. For fans of the games like me, this is superbly awesome news. Also it has been confirmed that they have got Liam Neeson to provide his vocal talents, probably as the narrator. The game is currently slotted for a Q3 2008 release and there are reports of an MMO in the works too. If anyone is interested I would suggest they youtube the game and see some of the awesome intro videos to get an idea of what its all about.

Edit: New info about the game released. Its an FPS.

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